Running after a very mobile little boy.
Filling my new chest freezer (which we've crammed in our already cramped apartment) with eggplant, pesto, blueberries and anything we can find on sale.
Re-rearranging my hall closet to fit in my canning (First time I've ever canned!).
Working on my Pain au Levain making skills and showing them off at the fair.
Celebrating one birthday...
... And then another.
Developing scars.
Swimming in Zion (with a bunch of polygamists (not shown)) and learning to wear underwear everywhere.
Growing our very own rooftop oasis.
As you can see, I've been busy. Mathias is getting to the age where he demands a lot more attention. But how can you resist such a cute little boy as he lifts up your hand and gently places Moo, Baa, La La La into it for the 15th time in a day?
Summer time is a time of light, and here in the northwest, you have to take advantage of it. In addition, summer is a time of fresh produce and I really have been spending many of my evenings canning and freezing.
And above all, I've been trying really hard to not spend so much time on the computer. There are much more important things that I need to focus on and that I take too long to do. Besides, I have trouble believing that there are people out there who really want to know what I'm doing everyday. I mean, who really wants to know that I can nurse Mathias in my Ergo while hiking near Cedar Breaks? Maybe there is someone, but I really don't feel like I am that talented of a writer or that interesting of a person to really matter in the blogosphere.
Whew, I got that out of my system. Now you know the real reason behind my silence. Now, don't worry. I'm not going to drop out completely, but my posts are going to be fewer and farther between. But I'll save this blog for the major discoveries.
Wow, a blue ribbon! Congratulations! :)
THAT IS A FIRST-PLACE BLUE RIBBON! WOWWWWWWWW! I always knew you were an amazing cook, but now the FAIR people know it, too! I'm so proud of you!
Also: cute kids. Seriously cute kids. They make me smile.
HE is walking??!!!! she has bangs??!! (spell?)
How come you are all moving on with your lives?! :-(
Miss you guys.
Please forgive me for bragging, but it is not just a blue ribbon. I got a blue ribbon for sourdough bread and a purple Class Champion ribbon for all of breads. Can you tell I'm excited about it?
Congratulations Sarah! That is a huge achievement for any baker! The purple ribbon's words weren't visible in the photo so I don't think any of us spotted that. The bread looks absolutely perfect - no wonder it won. It was nice to read a new blog post from you!
I know what you mean about demanding toddlers that like to be read to. Unfortunately reading from the computer doesn't fly, so the only time I'm able to do computer stuff is when Carston is sleeping. But if I'm doing computer stuff when he's sleeping, then I don't get anything else done, like cooking and cleaning. So, though I do find your daily tasks interesting, I do understand your lack of posts.
Oh, and I can't help but to mention your awesome bread.
I know exactly how you feel. Why would my daily routines matter to the blogging world? But, it has helped create a great journal for me, so that has really become my only motivation to do it. I am glad you made this post though. Now that I am far away from Seattle, and miss 7th ward more than I ever dreamed, I will look forward to your posts every few months, so I can catch a bit of the Seattle rain. Looks like you are doing great! Congrats on the bread! Cheers!
I'm glad you took time to update us on what you've been doing. I love blogs because I can catch up with everyone when I have a few min. here and there. And ya, I do happen to be curious about your ergo. Hopefully someday I'll have a reason for you to teach me how to do that. Love the pictures of the kids.
Congrats on the fair! I used to enter things but I haven't for many years. I do enjoy hearing about what you are up to because I enjoy canning, gardening and such so keep posting from time to time!
Girl, you have been busy! I mean, that goes without saying, but you have been refining your crafts in many areas of your life. I love it. And I wish you could teach me your bread ways. We love our honey whole wheat bread I make weekly, but it sounds like you are way beyond that!
I miss y'all :( If I get stationed in the Pacific NW y'all'll get visited a lot :)
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