Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I QUIT!!!!!!

For those of you that I don't communicate with more frequently, I've been feeling that it is "needful for me to obtain another place of residence". Being an apartment manager can be hard work and for the past several months it has become quite stressful, especially as my children need more and more attention.

So I quit. I've been looking around for places to rent, in particular houses or duplexes, and just a few weeks ago we found a place with in our budget. Of course, the move corresponded with a previously planned vacation, so I wasn't really involved. But thanks to my most amazing Hubby and his parents, the kids and I came home to a new house already unpacked. Am I lucky or what!

I sincerely hope that by removing the stress of managing from my life I will be more able to be a better person, mom, wife and friend. Wish me luck! And look for future posts about gardening in a YARD!!!