Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The New Year

A New year has begun, and I need to make those pesky little things called resolutions. I have learned, however, that I am not going to make any changes unless I really want to make those changes. Now, that might sound obvious, but simply knowing that something is good for me doesn't mean I want to do it.

Example: Exercising is good. It makes you healthier, happier (yeah for endorphins), and more in control of your body. I know it would help me sleep better. I know that when I decide to have another baby, it will help me during my pregnancy. I know that being more toned would help me to feel better about myself. But do I exercise? NO. Will I make a resolution regarding exercise? Probably. Most likely, it will be something about learning to like exercising or something like that. Will it work? Ask me at the end of the year.